It's the same as always in that when I get back from a trip it takes awhile to readjust and I'm still not there but already very much looking forward to the next one probably in early March - like on my B-Day when I become eligible for the old old people national pass.
Here are some pictures I picked out and it was bland because after all it is the middle of winter. Drove way too many miles and I will just say eastern New Mexico is not for me and it is just more than dirt poor out there. That is an observation only nothing more.
This was a interesting cemetery in Quay.
There were very few people around and had the state camp grounds pretty much to myself. This was at Bottomless Lakes SP.
There was no place I could find to hide and stay for the night. I did stay next to a cemetery outside of Hope, NM. One of the residents was getting ready to receive a new neighbor.
This was on the road in the mountains east of Alamogordo, NM. I belive this elk had an arrow in it's side if look closely and click twice. Something was sticking in it's side.
Oliver Lee SP was a very cool park and was named after the man who ranched here and lived in this house. Stayed three nights. It was there where I realized a lot of the people in some parks live in them and some not by choice. Grey hairs and no hairs and there may be a time this guy could do the same.
There is a hike that will take you to the top of this bad boy. I went part way as I did not feel like brutalizing myself that much.
You will not see many like this.
An obligatory White Sands photo. In my previous life sand was my nemesis. A couple hours out in this was plenty for this guy.
At the White Sands Missile Range Museum. This got here by mistake so will leave it and just say it's deceiving because this thing is only maybe two foot long.
Notice the smart ass guvmint comment at the end of this.
Quite a backdrop for this place and several of the pictures taken really show that as the header does today. Always plenty for more missiles ya see.
This was at Leasburg Dam SP north of Las Cruces. Not the nices but well done like all of them. It did snow the night I was there. This sits along side the Rio Grand River.
Many Mericuns are happy to stop and be questioned by our national zombies even well north of the border. Not this one and at least the fellow just came out the door and did not descend down the steps and let me proceed after he believed my answers to being an American and not having any passengers. It was nippy out.
Stayed three nights at Elephant Buttes SP north of Truth or Consequences. A day trip up to Monticello was very much worth it. One of the top cemetery's I have visited.
This was fun and for the first time I was inside a flock of geese when many of them took off.
Of course I the day I decided to head for home I see the best stuff like the Abo Mission here. This and two others are in the area. It is possible that in March I may return here rather than the Four Corners area but no matter what I will be back to here. This was way too cool and Abo is the least excavated plus there's other stuff as well close by.
You can read the text in the picture and it's worth it. Click click. Guess you can't but you can get a good look at what this was like.
Now you can read it.
This local fellow was looking for some attention when I went to leave. My Stretch was not at home when I got here but showed the next day and now is loving life again. He's gonna get his cat butt thrown outside here real soon.
Rangers the first place I camped returned my fee saying I must have been in Texas as they charge the entrance fee in addition to the camping fee. No I just read things wrong. But thanks guys and wherever I was people were sooo very nice.
Senior (62) and a NM resident. A 100 smacks is all you pay to camp. 225 for out of state. This is why people live there. Want electric or water it's 4 bucks and 8 with a sewer hook-up. What a deal.
Here we be like Texas. Campsites are 6-8 higher to begin with and it's like 300 for an annual pass or close to that. Senior starts at 64 and they mention something about a small discount for camping but do not explain. What is a $10 site in NM is 16-18 here on top of a day pass for walk ins. I can't afford this. Maybe they want to keep the riff raff out.
While pecking this out a favorite of mine came on and I just must be having fun I guess.
17 hours ago
One Fly, you're a man after my own heart. Keep these adventures coming!
ReplyDeleteThank you for that Fearguth. Maybe sometime we can meet up out there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteAHHH New Mexico! you captured some great photos. There are some very poor places, I so agree! I'm so happy your cat was there for you. You need a cat and that cat needs you.
This cat needs quit laying around so much and catch a rodent.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have arrived safely home. Any time on the road is an adventure, and Abo Is great, as are the other two. thank s for the pics. Stretch looks like a sweetie and a fine companion. Good to really See you. BTW: do I need permission to get onto the Cornfield. It's saying so.... Captain, may I?