At least a little bit of it anyway. Last week I had to spend the whole day there and here are some of the things I saw with a bit of explanation. This is a interesting small city.
I saw this fellow from a ways away struggling trying to take his own picture of this beautiful fish. I did it for him with his own camera and got this one with mine. It's the only one and happy it came out as good as it did. I've never caught anything close to this color of red.
I have this thing about "old" beveled glass doors like these. There are a number of different configurations and they'll all so cool. Hotel Vail is now apartments and the doors were locked and I wanted inside bad!
I want very much to take pictures with certain parameters with beveled glass doors being the center piece. I think the results could be real cool. You do not see many around here. I'm hoping to get lucky this spring when I'm around the Mississippi River and get inside one of these old old house above the river that's loaded with features like this. I would very much enjoy that. I'm always looking for the beveled glass but I just don't see it here.
The lobby has so many stories I'm sure.
I could live here too.
What is called the River Walk where the Arkansas River was partially diverted to flow through the old part of Pueblo. It's pretty neat trendy and upscale.
An old steamer out back of the train station.
In side the depot which has been remodeled and I'm not sure what is original. No matter what they did it must have been a fun place to start or end a train trip.
I couldn't figure out what this was at first then I remembered I sat the camera right on the counter. It's interesting.
Some other pictures of buildings in the same general area and one of an old sign.
If gas goes to 5 bucks a gallon driving the 40 miles up to here may be all the adventure I can afford. There are other places here I want to explore the zoo being one of them. This was a great day.
18 hours ago