Looking at Puerto Vallarta Jalisco maybe five miles south.

On this blogger site one can click on all pictures except for the header above two times each time making them larger which is a feature I like because it gives you the ability to really look very close at all kinds of things not readily seen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Meet Ann Bassett

I found this person and her story very interesting. Her own words about Browns Park.
"every sage brush,gulch and rock had a meaning of it's own and each blade of grass or scrubby cedar was a symphony". But there's a lot more to this. Read the text under this picture.

This girl at the age of 15 started hanging with the big name outlaws of the time. Butch Cassidy and others as well. Her sister did the same. Another picture of Ms. Bassett below. The man has nothing to do with this. There was a man hung from the limb you see here and there were clothes that she wore in the cases and that's what prompted me to start thinking a bit.

Her clothing was key. She was very attractive and the clothes in the cases were extremely nice. The way they were displayed I did not take a picture and this girl was tiny. Charged with rustling twice but never convicted. Looking at the pictures and clothes it was obvious this girl had a bit of culture. I don't think Ann Bassett chewed tobacco and cussed a blue streak. The guys sought her out and I'd bet good money they acted like gentlemen when they were around these two sisters. I urge you to go here and read this very interesting story about this women and the outlaws of the time not even that long ago. She died in 1956 in Browns Park where she eventually married.

Some other pictures. One is a repetition. These were taken last Saturday 7/23.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Flowers Because It's Fun

These are all recent but it's the one at the bottom I like. Took it yesterday at a place where I swear has the highest populations of columbines anywhere. It was so pretty and I haven't been able to capture that with a picture. It was overcast but I did catch a fish. I was the first  that fished where I did yesterday. It's not too bad to get around but the water is just too high and fast yet. Going somewhere just now where it is fish able.

I'm a sucker for flower pictures too and right now with the late spring there are massive amounts of them. One of the fringe benefits of living in and around mountains and higher elevations. I'm okay with that rather than the other - - - which is white.

Friday, July 8, 2011

He's Got Pigs On His Mind

Whistle pigs AKA marmots. Hahns likes high places anyway and all he can do is look and quiver. He's such a good pooch and got to come to work today. The screen stays on as he could go out of there so easy. A fan of Hill Street Blues will remember when the dog jumped out the window. This has nothing to do with the quality of the picture or me but it has a lot do about other things. Stuff like this is fun and when I look at these I have to laugh a bit.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Can't Help It

I find myself fascinated with getting good pictures of dragonflies because when you look at them it's like being transported into a different world. It's fun damn it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Denver Billbug

This is going to be real short. My friend is taking an online turf grass course and right now it's entomology time for him. He found these on our golf course just yesterday and they can be harmful if there are enough of them. You can read more here if you would like to learn more. You do not spray for them but endorse the help of other insects which I like.

Took a dozen or so pictures and I'm glad I got these two. This is a real ugly bug but the reason for these is the red ring on this creature in the bottom picture.We're not sure what is hanging on to the bottom of this. I don't think it's young but to me it looks like mites.

 I find this interesting.

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