Looking at Puerto Vallarta Jalisco maybe five miles south.

On this blogger site one can click on all pictures except for the header above two times each time making them larger which is a feature I like because it gives you the ability to really look very close at all kinds of things not readily seen.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Will Be Left

And also whose table we will be on. Some think we as a species and as a planet are/will come to an end. Their is debate of course on when this will happen. Sooner or later take your choice it isn't worth arguing about. No one knows so that makes this opinion just as valid as anyone's.

I think the earth is past the tipping point and humans cannot sustain themselves at this level given the circumstances we have now.

Whether you agree or not one thing is for certain - when humans start dropping these fellows will be there to play their part in the worlds ever changing ecology.  

There are three pictures here in an attempt to show the size. These don't seem to get much bigger and there are not great numbers like some of the others. Notice the undeveloped wings. This is not quite two inches long and comes in one other color I've seen which is a reddish orange.

 Clicking on the pictures makes them bigger twice.

This is something else though. Gross out city I tell you. A mature Mormon cricket. When small they easily pass for a grasshopper. This is actually the first time I've seen some this big.

The other day went out to the same place I saw this one and did not see any large ones. Yesterday I saw several about half the size and they were much darker in color. They did not survive and what was left was dark as well. The one below was about 2.5" and just plain huge. They get get up to 3" in length and can and have cause devastating infestations. I hate to imagine what that would be like.

Not sure where this guy is headed whether it's mature or what have you. This is where the brighter colors are these days is on the ground. Time for breakfast.


  1. Whoa, that multicolored one sure is pretty :)
    As always, amazing photos you have here!

    1. It is and I wonder how big this variety can get.

  2. Those things are just plain NASTY


  3. Ooh gosh..Yuk!! My Sophie would just eat them. Double yuk! That last one has some pretty cool colors.

  4. I'd pay money to watch your pooch eat one of those mormon crickets. Not much but some.

  5. Amazing photos. Great details :)

  6. Thanks WB and yours aren't shabby either.

  7. The have an awesome design but the further they are away from me the happier I am.

  8. Ha! Tom now I see why I haven't come around, just kidding great big bugs nice...

  9. I'm sure you would get along real good with these guys Lynn.


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